It all starts with your profile… after all, knowing where you are is what’s needed most to gain the desired direction.
Upon getting started you will need to schedule 2 hours (in person or online), in which you will gain a
12-month subscription to the immersive precision health experience (RP $280), and learn about the PHA epigenetic profiling tool, the Shae Intelligence App. whilst getting to the crux of whats holding you back and shifting those blocks so you can live your healthiest, happiest life.
You will need to wear form-fitting clothing to have your profile created through specific (anthropometric) measurements and prefill an extensive questionnaire.
You will be assisted with your specific priorities, for maximum success in uptaking and integrating the science and technology awaiting you.
All this from just $500 AUD inclusive of 12 month subscription to Shae.
Want to know more let’s book a discovery call or let us go all in and book now.
Go for it you Rapid Action Taker!
Don’t hold back on the best tomorrow you deserve!
BOOK NOW and be the change! It all starts with you!